So Idecided to make some very simple but enlightetning examples in JAVA and JavaScript:
import java.util.*; public class Adam { public static void main(String[] args){ String adam = "adam"; Integer notPrimitiveInteger = 10; int primitiveInteger = 20; ArrayListAnd the output is:arrList = new ArrayList (); arrList.add(1); arrList.add(2); doSomething(adam,notPrimitiveInteger,primitiveInteger,arrList); System.out.println(adam); System.out.println(notPrimitiveInteger); System.out.println(primitiveInteger); System.out.println(arrList.size()); } private static void doSomething(String adam,Integer notPrimitiveInteger,int primitiveInteger,ArrayList arrList){ adam = "notAdam"; notPrimitiveInteger = 500; primitiveInteger = 7000; arrList.add(3); } } //Ignore this line :)
So what is happening?
Basically every time you are making expression's like this:
blabla = "blabla";
every time it's like a new object is created (in fact not!, but broadly that's the case, learn more here). So it's like you are using the new String(".."); expression, but it's not showed. So when you're about to pass a String or an Integer object to a function , you could get the value of it, but if you want to change it, it will be not changed, because the "=" expression is like making a new object. Again: not making new object, but it behaves like it is.
And what about the ArrayList?
The ArrayList's add(..) function does not make a new ArrayList object! It's like you're working with it's reference, so the original ArrayList object will be changed!
var adam = new String("adam"); var integ = 10; var arr = new Array(); arr.push(1); arr.push(2); arr.push(3); var obj = new Object(); obj.adam = "oldValue"; console.log(arr); doSomething(adam,integ,arr,obj); function doSomething(adam,inte,arr,obj){ adam="notadam"; inte="500"; arr.pop(); obj.adam="newValue"; } console.log(adam); console.log(integ); console.log(arr); console.log(obj);And the output is:
The solution is the same as JAVA's.
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